Im Folgenden sind einige wissenschaftliche Artikel aufgelistet, die zu Foodcoops gefunden wurden. Manche behandeln eher Typen von Foodcoops, die Konsumgenossenschaften ähnlicher sind. Die Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Solltet ihr auf andere Artikel stoßen, freuen wir uns auf Ergänzungen und Tipps.
Literatur von Foodcoops
ALBRECHT, T. et al. (2000): Das Food-Coop Handbuch – gemeinsam ökologisch handeln. In: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaften der Lebensmittelkooperativen e.V. (Hrsg.): Das Food-Coop Handbuch – gemeinsam ökologisch handeln. Bad Hersfeld: Förderverein Jugend- und Umweltarbeit e.V.
SENSELAB E.V. (Hrsg.) (2009): Fair, Bio, Selbstbestimmt – Das Handbuch zur Gründung einer Food-Coop. Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH.
Literatur zu Foodcoops
Freathy, P., & Hare, C. (2004). Retailing in the voluntary sector: the role of the Scottish food co-operatives. European Journal of Marketing, 38(11/12), 1562 – 1576.
Glanville, J. (2001, Juni 25). How to survive in a food desert. New Statesman, S. 26.
Hunter, D. (2011). Food Co-Operatives. Perspectives in Public Health, 131(6), 251–252.
Little, R., Maye, D., & Ilbery, B. (2010). Collective purchase: moving local and organic foods beyond the niche market. Environment and Planning A, 42(8), 1797–1813.
Interne Organisation
Brunori, G., Rossi, A., & Guidi, F. (2012). On the New Social Relations around and beyond Food. Analysing Consumers’ Role and Action in Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale (Solidarity Purchasing Groups). Sociologia Ruralis, 52(1), 1–30. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9523.2011.00552.x
Davies, K., & Burt, S. (2007). Consumer co-operatives and retail internationalisation: problems and prospects. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(2), 156–177.
Haedicke, M. A. (2012). “KEEPING OUR MISSION, CHANGING OUR SYSTEM”: Translation and Organizational Change in Natural Foods Co-ops. The Sociological Quarterly, 53(1), 44–67.
Martino, G., & Pampanini, R. (2012). Exploring the role of consumers as drivers of agri-food networks: contexts, beliefs, and governance. Abgerufen von
McGrath, M. (2004). “That’s Capitalism, Not a Co-op”: Countercultural Idealism and Business Realism in 1970s US Food Co-ops. Business and Economic History On-Line, 2, 1–14.
Morland, K. B. (2010). An Evaluation of a Neighborhood-Level Intervention to a Local Food Environment. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 39(6), e31–e38.
Murtagh, A. (2010). A quiet revolution? Beneath the surface of Ireland’s alternative food initiatives. Irish Geography, 43(2), 149–159.
Riemer, A. (2010). Co-op Grocery Stores and the Triple Bottom Line: For the Workers, For the Community, For the Environment.
Motive von Foodcoop-Teilnehmer*innen
Hibbert, S., Piacentini, M., & Al Dajani, H. (2003). Understanding volunteer motivation for participation in a community-based food cooperative. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 8(1), 30–42.
Seyfang, G. (2006a). Conscious consumer resistance? Local organic food networks versus the supermarkets. Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment Working Paper EDM, 06–14.
Konsumstudien innerhalb von Foodcoops
Bingen, J., Sage, J., & Sirieix, L. (2011). Consumer coping strategies: a study of consumers committed to eating local. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 35(4), 410–419.
Mancino, L. (2000). How Consumer Characteristics and Preferences Influence Structural Options. Abgerufen von
Pearson, D., Henryks, J., Trott, A., Jones, P., Parker, G., Dumaresq, D., & Dyball, R. (2011). Local food: understanding consumer motivations in innovative retail formats. British Food Journal, 113(7), 886–899.
Foodcoops und Konsumgenossenschaften
Brazda, Johann, hrsg. 2006. 150 Jahre Konsumgenossenschaften. Wien: Eigenverlag des FGK.
Drazic, L., Jaklin, U., & Lammer, C. (2012). Food Coops Das nächste Kapitel der Konsumgenossenschaftsbewegung in Österreich? PolitiX, 32, 32–35.
Hingley, M. (2010). Networks in Socially Embedded Local Food Supply: The Case of Retailer Co-operatives. Journal of Business Market Management, 4(3), 111–128.
Hingley, M., Mikkola, M., Canavari, M., & Asioli, D. (2012). Local and sustainable food supply: the role of European retail consumer co-operatives. International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 2(4), 340–356.
JÖSCH, Jutta. (1983). Konsumgenossenschaften und Food-Cooperatives: ein Vergleich der Entstehungsbedingungen von Verbraucherselbstorganisationen.
Alte Literatur
Cotterill, Ronald (1978): Declining Competition in Food Retailing: An Opportunity for Consumer Food Cooperatives? In The Journal of Consumer Affairs (pre-1986)12. 2 (Winter 1978): 250-265.
Cotterill, Ronald (1983): Retail Food Cooperatives. Testing the „Small Is Beautiful“ Hypothesis. In American journal of agricultural economics: Volume 65, Number 1.
Hall, Bruce F., and Lana L. Hall (1982): The Potential for Growth of Consumer Cooperatives: A Comparison with Producer Cooperatives. In Journal of Consumer Affairs 16(1): 23-45
Ronco, William (1974): Food co-ops: an alternative to shopping in supermarkets.
Zwerdling, Daniel (1979): The Uncertain Revival of Food Cooperatives. In Case, John und Rosemary C.R. Taylor (Hg.): Co-ops, Communes, and Collectives: Experiments in Social Change in the 1960s and 1970s. New York.
Foodcoops in Österreich (außerhalb von Seminararbeiten)
Karner, S. (Hrsg.). (2010). Local Food Systems in Europe. Case Studies from five countries and what they imply for policy and practice. Graz: IFZ. Abgerufen von
Lutz, J., & Schachinger, J. (2012). Consumer-initiated alternative food networks – Speiselokal! An Austrian Case Study. Abgerufen von
Schermer, M. (2012). Changing Consumer-Producer Relations in Austria. Abgerufen von